Free Audit

Free IT Audit

Is your business in the type of environment where you call an IT consultant only when something breaks? If so, this is called REACTIVE maintenance, resulting in unnecessary and costly downtime. It is a common misconception with most SME companies that IT support contracts are an unnecessary expense.

To make strategic IT decisions for your business, your Management Team or Board needs to hear from an expert who will provide strategic advice and direction for your business.

As each site configuration is unique we strongly believe in working with the customer, we will provide a one hour free consultation to review and discuss you existing IT environment, issues and prepare a tailored proposal to meet your business needs.

Call now to arrange Your Free IT Audit.

Network design should reflect business goals. But it's also important to anticipate how your technology decisions will affect the business moving forward.

Any good network designer knows that design is driven by business. Before starting a network design, you gather business-related information such as locations, scale of the network, internal and external users, how the users will communicate with one another, and how the traffic will flow. But a great network designer should also keep in mind that design decisions may also affect the business -- in the future, if not today.

Are the decision makers in your business at ease with your network?